Sister Anna Marie Elmer
Peru Arequipa Mission
Provo MTC
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604
Peru MTC (6 additional weeks to Provo time) Also, no packages can be sent to the Peru MTC...
Hermana Anna Marie Elmer
Peru MTC
Centro de Capacitacion Missional
La Molina
Amazonas 12
Mission Address: This is pouch mail, just so you know. Pouch rules apply.
Sister Anna Marie Elmer
Peru Arequipa Misson
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, Ut 84130-0150
Mission Package Address: aka Mission Office
Sister Anna Marie Elmer
Peru Arequipa Mission
Edificio El Pera
Avenida El Ejercito 710, Oficina 7031
Cayma Arequipa
I would love to read anything you might feel like sending me :) Also, this is the time I will use for my shameless plug for Because I'm serving in a "pouch" mission, they ask that you use the pouch mail services. If I am going to be completely honest, the pouch rules stink and are a real pain in the fanny. is free and you don't have to bother with the pouch rules. That was my commercial for this wonderful service that I have been known to use myself on occasion. The only down side of dearelder? You can't draw pictures or doodle in the margins. Sad.
On a very happy note,I am so crazy excited to be set apart tomorrow night and the to head north to Utahland on Saturday! Also, assume that I do not have your address. Include it in your first letter to me so that I might write you back (hint, hint) I look forward to your letters! (great big giant hint) Well, I'll catch ya on the flip side!
Much love, and aw heck, one final hug,
(Almost) Hermana Anna Elmer :D
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