Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Than A Feelin'

Bueno. Thank you so much to everyone for your emails! Uncle Mitch, your Spanish is outstanding! And thank you to Lyndee for the letter! Don't worry, you will get a legit response, I just wanted you to know I got it... So this has been quite a week. On Friday Hermana Whetten, the CCM president's wife, made me go to the doctor again. He decided that after two separate rounds of antibiotic that there was not longer an infection just a nasty cough. He told me I had a "bronco spasm" and gave me an inhaler. I found it funny that he should call me a spaz then have me carry around an inhaler to prove it. But, It did something right because my cough is practically gone! Yippee Hooray!
We didn't get to do proseletismos this Saturday because it was conference. A fair trade off. I love conference!!!!!!! Holy smokes, what a great 2 days. Each talk made me more and more grateful for 2 things. 1, that I am not raising a family right now, yikes, sounds like a tough business. And 2, that I have such wonderful parents! Ok, this cool thing happened during the conference. During one of the prayers, a brother was asking that the lord bless those in the armed forces and also...the missionaries. Not so uncommon right? But then, as he said it, I could feel it. I've heard missionaries say before "thanks for your prayers, I can feel them" But I had never experienced that before. It was amazing. So, echoing all missionaries I would like to say: Thank you for your prayers, I can feel them :)
So this is new. I'm the "coordinating sister" That's like the zone leader for the Hermanas. Yikes. Also, for the next 3 weeks my district and the other North American district are the antiguos-the ancients. The district that was here 3 weeks before us left this morning and we are now the old district for the new district that will arrive tonight. Did that make any sense? Oh well.
I think that just about covers it. Thank you for your continued love and support! Share this gospel with everyone! Help your local missionaries. There can be no greater work in this life then helping to bring souls to our Savior. I beg you all to never become complacent about this gospel. You have it, they need it. Don't ever be afraid to share it. "shall we not go on in so great a cause? Courage brethren; and on, on to victory!" D&C 128...somewhere.
Con amor
Hermana Anna Elmer
Once again, no pictures this week, because I am technologically challenged.

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